My fiance is a flamer; that is, he likes to throw flames with our new weeding torch. Actually, "likes" is too casual of a word. He LOVES throwing flames with our torch, much like most men are instinctually drawn to fire. He grinned the whole time while torching the weeds. Perhaps, it was because it was gloriously faster than using a hoe or a weed eater, or maybe he has a pyro inside him.
Flaming the weeds is an experiment much like everything else. We talked to a farmer in Springfield, Mo that was successfully using a torch for weed suppression. So, I found a torch for $15.99 at a local hardware store and planned to use the bbq grill propane tank as the power source. I loved how the flame torch advertised that it was: "An environmentally safe way to eliminate weeds organically. It's an organic weed killer! No expensive chemicals, no dangerous threats to our environment."
We had to we wait several weeks to hook everything up because the weekend winds seemed to be at a consistent speed of 90 mph. We wanted to kill the weeds and not catch the whole farm on fire. Smoky the Bear finally gave us the green light this weekend because the winds had died down.
When we took the torch out of the box to hook it up, I saw that the torch was a lot bigger than I expected. It was not going to be able to do the precision weeding I had in mind. Unfortunately, it would probably char our plants if we got within 5 feet of them. It looked like it would be great to kill large areas of weeds
only, so that is exactly what Damian did...I turned on the faucet and grabbed the hose - just in case!
Damian is firing it up |
Getting two rows ready for garlic by flame weeding |
Smoldering rows by our cabbages |
Flames killing the weeds |
Somehow I read the words "our new weeding torch" in that first line as "our new wedding torch." It was probably the proximity of the word "fiance" that tricked my brain. My first thought was... wedding torch? My next thought was, well, if there is such a thing as a wedding torch, Amber would most certainly have one! Happy weeding ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha! What a great idea! I think I will ask for a welding torch on our wedding registry! :)